Anneliese Dodds, MP for Oxford East, outside Cowley Centre
Anneliese Dodds, MP for Oxford East, outside Cowley Centre

I know that many local residents are concerned about the future of Templars Square shopping centre. To raise those concerns, this week I met with Redevco (the owners of the lease on the centre), which followed a previous meeting I had with them and the City Council.

The redevelopment of the centre is going to be critical for ensuring that it continues to provide essential shops and services to local people. I impressed on Redevco the need to ensure that any redevelopment includes more much-needed social and genuinely affordable housing; and there is also work ongoing to try and provide more health and well-being services on the site, as well as considering the needs of the community college (EMBS).

Right now however, there are also significant concerns about the state of the frontage of the centre at Between Towns Road, especially the area in and around the old Nelson Pub, and with the former Wilko shop closing. I impressed the need to speedily do something to improve the appearance and use of this area, as well as developing those more permanent plans for the rest of the site.

Above all, I’ve been clear that local residents’ views must be heard while the site is redeveloped. I understand that additional communications are going to be coming out soon from Redevco about what is happening.

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